Ends in



🤑 Chris Thompson 🤑 2892

24p/Per Entry!

RRP: £300.00

Max tickets: 625

Max tickets per order: 625

£300 Cash

alarm Close Date:

10/10/2024 14:10:00

alarm Draw Date:

10/10/2024 14:11:00

Tickets Sold: 42%



Imagine a crisp £300 landing in your hands—what’s your first move? Here are some ideas (we promise, no “adulting” required): • Finally, buy that mysterious kitchen gadget 🍳 you’ve convinced yourself will turn you into a celebrity chef (or at least make toast more exciting). • Purchase enough houseplants 🪴 to turn your home into an indoor jungle—who doesn’t want to live in a rainforest? • Buy enough socks 🧦 so you’ll never do laundry again (well, at least for a few months). • Take a spa day 🧖‍♀️ and pamper yourself with massages, facials, and enough relaxation to make you forget what day of the week it is. 🎟️ How to Enter: Answer the question above, select how many tickets you want, and then tap Buy Tickets.